Meldungen vom 23.01.2006

  • Outlook-Automatismus ergänzen

    Die "Auto-Vervollständigen"-Funktion im E-Mail-Editor von Outlook ist eigentlich recht nützlich, da sie dem Anwender viel Tipparbeit abnimmt: Verfasst man eine neue Nachricht an einen gespeicherten Adressaten, erscheint bereits bei der Eingabe des Anfangsbuchstabens (Outlook 2002: der ersten drei Buchstaben) der komplette Name oder eine Liste mit mehreren passenden Vorschlägen. …mehr

  • Für RIM wird es in den USA immer enger

    Der U.S. Supreme Court hat es heute abgelehnt, die Patentklage von NTP gegen den kanadischen BlackBerry-Hersteller Research in Motion (RIM) zu verhandeln. …mehr

  • F5 legt ordentlich zu

    Der Application-Acceleration-Spezialist F5 Networks hat im Ende Dezember abgeschlossenen ersten Fiskalquartal 2006 seinen Umsatz um 47 Prozent gesteigert. …mehr

  • Directory Opus 8: Leistungsfähiger Explorer-Ersatz

    Wer oft mit Verzeichnissen und Dateien hantiert, ist nicht immer zufrieden mit dem Windows Explorer. Zu den zahlreichen Alternativen zählt "Directory Opus 8" von GP Software aus Australien. Die Einzelplatzlizenz kostet umgerechnet rund 53 Euro. …mehr

  • Lotusphere: Tandberg integriert Highend-Systeme mit Lotus-Lösungen

    Der norwegische Spezialist für visuelle Kommunikation hat zur Lotusphere in Orlando die Integration von Highend-Videoconferencing in Sametime und Notes/Domino angekündigt. …mehr

  • Online-Werbung floriert auch in Deutschland

    Aktuellen Zahlen der Marktforscher von Nielsen/Netratings zufolge erzielte die deutsche Online-Werbung im Jahr 2005 mehr als 157,85 Milliarden so genannte Ad Impressions (mögliche Sichtkontakte). …mehr

  • Microsoft verkuppelt Java-Anwendungen mit SQL Server 2005

    Ab sofort bietet Microsoft den SQL Server 2005 JDBC-Treiber (Java Database Connectivity) zum kostenlosen Herunterladen an. …mehr

  • Phishing-Angriffe auf Rekordniveau

    16.882 Pishing-Angriffe gab es im November 2005. Das ist nach Beobachtungen des Software-Anbieters Websense,ein neuer Rekord. …mehr

  • Veranstaltet Ihre Firma regelmäßig Videokonferenzen?

    Liebe Leser, wie an jedem Montag stellen wir Ihnen heute wieder unsere neue "Frage der Woche". …mehr

  • Fußball mobil und digital

    Mit der neuen DVB-T-Box „DVB-TR1“ von Nextbase verpassen Fußballfans kein WM-Spiel mehr, egal, wo sie sich gerade aufhalten.  …mehr

  • Appetit auf Venture-Capital-Deals wächst weiter

    Die US-amerikanische Risikokapitalgeber-Szene hat sich vom Dotcom-Crash endgültig erholt: 2005 flossen mehr Gelder in Startups als in jedem der vorangegangenen drei Jahre. …mehr

  • Herstellerallianz will Handyfernsehen vorantreiben

    Führende Hersteller aus IT und Mobilfunk haben sich zur Mobile DTV Alliance zusammengeschlossen. …mehr

  • Microsoft erleichtert Migration auf Exchange und Sharepoint

    Microsoft will Unternehmen den Umstieg auf die Microsoft-Plattformen Exchange und Sharepoint erleichtern.  …mehr

  • Dokumenten-Management für den Mittelstand

    Zahlreiche mittelständische Unternehmen unterschiedlichster Branchen nutzen mittlerweile das Dokumentenmanagement-System DocuWare des gleichnamigen Anbieters. …mehr

  • Premiere geht bei Bundesliga-Rechten auf Arena und Telekom zu

    Der Bezahlsender Premiere geht nach dem Verlust der Bundesliga-Rechte auf die neuen Lizenzinhaber Arena und Deutsche Telekom zu. …mehr

  • Gartner: IT-Abteilungen unter wachsendem Transformationsdruck

    Der jährlichen CIO-Umfrage von Gartner zufolge stehen die IT-Verantwortlichen heuer unter wachsendem Druck, ihren Abteilungen einen stärkeren externen Fokus zu geben. …mehr

  • Intel lockert seine Statuten

    Auf der Jahreshauptversammlung im Mai können die Aktionäre erstmals auch gegen Kandidaten für das Board des Chipriesen stimmen. …mehr

  • Microsoft baut Support für kleine Firmenkunden aus

    Ab Anfang Februar wird Microsoft mit "Small Business Plus" online mehr Informationen und Services für Kleinfirmen anbieten. …mehr

  • Nach Vista kommt Vienna

    Auch wenn die Entwickler bei Microsoft derzeit unter Hochdruck am Windows-XP-Nachfolger Vista arbeiten - dessen Nachfolger hat auch schon einen neuen Codenamen bekommen. …mehr

  • EMI schließt europaweiten Vertrag mit GNAB

    Mit der britischen Plattenfirma EMI hat Bertelsmann Arvato einen prominenten Inhalte-Lieferanten für seine kommerzielle Filesharing-Plattform "GNAB" gewonnen. …mehr

  • Schleupen verringert Abstand zur SAP

    Die Schleupen AG, Moers, hat nach eigenen Angaben im vergangenen Jahr 52 Neukunden für ihre Branchenlösungen für die Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft gewonnen. …mehr

  • Schere am Festnetz

    Jeder fünfte Haushalt in Westeuropa soll bereits keinen Festnetzanschluss mehr haben. …mehr

  • Tello informiert über User-Anwesenheit

    Der neue Telefondienst zeigt, ob ein Benutzer telefonisch erreichbar ist. …mehr

  • Künftiger Nokia-Chef Kallasvuo wegen Schmuggel bestraft

    Der künftige Chef beim weltweit größten Handy-Konzern Nokia, Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo (52), muss eine Zollstrafe über 31.000 Euro wegen illegaler Einfuhr von Privateinkäufen aus der Schweiz zahlen. …mehr

  • Sony will Apple Marktanteile wegnehmen

    Um den Konkurrenzkampf mit Apples iPod/iTunes-Geschäft neu anzufachen, soll die erfolglose Musik-Download-Sparte Connect enger mit dem Hardwarebereich verknüpft werden. …mehr

  • CDC zieht Kaufangebot für Onyx-Mehrheit zurück

    Anstelle des in Bellevue, Washington, ansässigen Spezialisten für Customer-Relationship-Management (CRM) wollen die Chinesen nun JRG Software, einen Anbieter von Hosted-SCM-Systemen (Supply Chain Management) aus San Mateo, Kalifornien, übernehmen. …mehr

  • Schnellere Abwicklung für Vielflieger

    US-amerikanischen Reisenden, die zur Abgabe ihrer Fingerabdrücke bereit sind, könnten bald speziell Passagierkontrollzonen zur Verfügung stehen. …mehr

  • Samsung erneuert seine Q30-Subnotebooks

    Der südkoreanische Elektronikhersteller hat die Nachfolgemodelle seiner Q30-Serie vorgestellt. …mehr

  • Microsoft verändert Lizenzprogramm Software Assurance

    Mit einer Reihe von Verbesserungen reagiert Microsoft auf Kritik an seinem Software-Assurance-Programm. …mehr

  • VoIP soll Festnetztelefonie ersetzen

    Bis spätestens 2010 soll Voice-over-IP (VoIP) die herkömmliche Form des Telefonierens abgelöst haben. …mehr

  • VfB Stuttgart führt CRM-System ein

    Der Bundesligaclub will Fans und Kunden gezielter ansprechen. …mehr

  • UMTS soll GSM bis 2010 ablösen

    Die breitbandige Übertragungsart wird sich bis 2010 zur führenden Technologie im Mobilfunksektor entwickeln. …mehr

  • Google ist wieder die wertvollste Marke

    In der jährlichen Umfrage von hat sich Google seinen an Apple verlorenen Spitzenplatz als wertvollste Marke zurückerobert. …mehr

  • Acrobat beherrscht 3D-Zeichnungen

    Adobe-Tool speichert CAD-Dateien als PDF-Files. …mehr

  • Fehler in KDE-Software gefährdet Linux-Systeme

    Angreifer könnten Kontrolle über Rechner übernehmen. …mehr

  • Ein Jahr Kleinfeld - Bei Siemens weht ein rauer Wind

    Ein Jahr nach dem Amtsantritt von Vorstandschef Klaus Kleinfeld weht bei Siemens ein rauer Wind. …mehr

  • Philips übertrifft im vierten Quartal Umsatz- und Gewinnerwartung

    Der niederländische Elektronikkonzern Philips hat im vierten Quartal trotz eines Gewinnrückgangs mehr verdient als von Experten erwartet. …mehr

  • O2 verbucht kräftigen Kundenzuwachs

    Der Mobilfunkanbieter O2 hat im abgelaufenen Quartal seine Kundenzahl deutlich gesteigert. …mehr

  • T-Online-Chef mit viertem Quartal sehr zufrieden

    Das Weihnachtsgeschäft ist bei der Telekom-Tochter T-Online gut gelaufen. …mehr

  • Weltweiter Musikmarkt schrumpft weiter - Boom bei digitaler Musik

    Der weltweite Musikmarkt ist im vergangenen Jahr nochmals um rund zwei Prozent geschrumpft - dennoch schaut die Branche optimistisch in die Zukunft. …mehr

  • Google-Aktien auf Talfahrt - Milliarden-Kursverluste

    Die Aktien des weltgrößten Internetsuchmaschinen-Betreibers und Wall-Street-Lieblings Google sind Freitag um fast 8,5 Prozent auf 399,46 Dollar eingebrochen. …mehr

  • Wie CIOs ihre Mitarbeiter fördern

    Auch 2006 investieren die IT-Chefs in ihre Mitarbeiter, verlangen dafür aber mehr Flexibilität: Statt Spezialisierung auf das eigene Arbeitsgebiet ist der Blick auf die gesamte IT und die Unternehmensprozesse gefordert. …mehr

  • Der erste Eindruck entscheidet

    Über Erfolg oder Misserfolg des Webauftrittes in den Augen des Betrachters entscheiden gerade einmal 50 Millisekunden. …mehr

  • SpikeSource's Polese on open source

    Kim Polese, CEO of open source services provider SpikeSource since 2004, is perhaps one of the better known IT executives. Prior to joining SpikeSource, she became one of the industry's first female chief executives as co-founder, president, and CEO of push technology vendor Marimba, which was acquired by BMC Software in 2004. Earlier, while at Sun Microsystems, Polese was the first product manager for Java. InfoWorld editors Paul Krill and Neil McAllister spoke with Polese last week about a range of topics, including SpikeSource, open source, outsourcing, and Java. …mehr

  • Making VOIP secure

    A converged voice and data network may sound like a fabulous idea until you remember the last time a worm or denial of service attack brought your network to its knees. Do you really want the network and your phone system to go down together? …mehr

  • Cell phone banking doubts decrease in South Africa

    The skepticism with which the introduction of mobile banking was greeted has since been replaced by a belief that it is an essential part of financial management.  …mehr

  • Global Wi-Fi hot spots top 100,000

    Public Wi-Fi hot spots have topped 100,000 worldwide for the first time, according to JiWire Inc., a company that has kept a directory of hot spots since 2003.  …mehr

  • African economies hinder wireless adoption

    Wireless is rapidly becoming the most profound technology of our age. Recent Meta Group research suggests that, within four to five years, 80 percent of corporate users will have one or more mobile devices integrated with the corporate infrastructure, and Gartner says that investing in wireless technology will make mobile workers up to 30 percent more productive.  …mehr

  • IBM in $865 million acquisition

    Big Blue has announced that it signed an agreement to acquire Micromuse, a real-time business and service assurance software solutions company, in an all-cash deal worth close to US$865 million. …mehr

  • Barcodes ace RFID tags courtside

    Australia's own grand slam tennis tournament, the Australian Open at Melbourne Park, may be showcasing the latest in RFID technology this week but the humble barcode still holds sway for spectator tickets.  …mehr

  • Navigation system redeems GPS' reputation

    If you're a regular reader of Computing South Africa, you will know that I have big issues with GPS technology and the accuracy of the map data. But Garmin has redeemed the reputation of GPS with its Garmin Quest GPS kit, which I used during the holidays. …mehr

  • HBA leads with 'pseudo' Web services

    Despite having to deal with legacy applications for claims processing, Australian health insurer HBA has taken a leading position with open information interchange in line with the Health Insurance Commission's (HIC) specifications, according to CIO Peter Powell.  …mehr

  • Shark Tank

    The wrong man for the job  …mehr

  • VOIP may be vulnerable to threats

    Is enterprise VOIP (voice over IP) due for a security wakeup call or are the threats mostly exaggerated? It depends on who's talking. …mehr

  • Frankly Speaking: Keep the pipe open

    Americans want an open Internet. Some surprise, huh? According to a just-released study by the Consumer Federation of America, 72 percent of consumers surveyed say that companies providing broadband Internet services should let users have access to any legal Web site and any legal Internet service. (You can download the complete results of the survey from …mehr

  • SA mobile carrier launches SMS fine notification system

    2BigMobile last week announced the launch of its SMS traffic fine notification system but later experienced delays in replying to the large volume of enquiries. …mehr

  • SA revenue agency looks for continuity in contract bids

    The South African Revenue Service (SARS) says is happy with the decision it has made to only consider bidders which belong to a single consortium for its tender to modernize its tax and customs business, products and systems. 'We believe it is an extremely good business decision,' says SARS CTO, Ken Jarvis. …mehr

  • Eclipse focuses on reports in new BI tool

    Seeking to offer an industry standard for report development, the open source Eclipse Foundation on Monday is releasing Version 2.0 of its Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) project. …mehr

  • South African local government adopts open source

    The Ethekwini Municipality has completed its migration from proprietary software to open-source software (OSS), and, according to Angela Spencer, eThekwini Webmaster, the migration has brought numerous benefits.  …mehr

  • Lessons from real-world VOIP

    Will 2006 be the year that voice and data convergence really takes off? Looking back, VOIP was one of the hottest and most hyped technologies of 2005. Yet despite all the attention, only about a third of IT departments have rolled out full-fledged deployments, according to a recent survey by Forrester Research. …mehr

  • Stratus adds dual-core chips to systems

    Stratus Technologies Inc. said Monday it would begin shipping a server with dual-core processors that is about half the price of its current high-end system, but just as reliable.  …mehr

  • The CD life span

    Over the holidays I took some time out to clear up the mass of recordable CDs lying around all over the office. As part of the exercise, I tested each and every one to see whether the contents matched the labels. There were a few surprises.  …mehr

  • Group asks to evaluate nanotech ethics, safety risks

    The development of products that use nanotechnology is racing ahead of the understanding of their potential health and safety risks, according to Patrick lin, research director of The Nanoethics Group, which is assembling industry and academic representatives worldwide to examine ethical and social issues raised by the technology.  …mehr

  • Understanding UDDI

    A quick reference to UDDI-compatible registries …mehr

  • South African company rolls out VOIP app

    E-Mbizo says that it has broken the telco rate barrier, by being the first company to implement international rates of US$0.10 per minute to the U.S. and other countries. …mehr

  • South African telecom looks to expand VOIP capability

    Verso Technologies and South African telecom integration company, Saab Grintek, have been selected by Telkom to provide Verso's Clarent Edge Access softswitch solution, in a bid to expand Telkom's VOIP services and soft phone applications locally and in the rest of Africa. …mehr

  • Eclipse to unveil updated BI tools Monday

    The Eclipse Foundation open-source community Monday will unveil the second version of its Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT), a move designed to expand the use of the tools from Java developers to a wider audience, including report developers.  …mehr

  • Seven people of highly ineffective habits

    Information technology professionals who want to become CIOs sometimes fail to understand a crucial aspect of the job: Besides being the top IT decision-maker, the CIO is a member of the team that plans and signs off on corporate strategy. …mehr

  • ES&S backs out of $1.8M e-voting deal

    Election officials in Florida's Leon County are scrambling to comply with state and federal voting laws after the county's preferred vendor for optical scan voting systems backed out of an informal deal. …mehr

  • 'Prenuptials' for offshoring

    Offshore outsourcing contracts are a lot like prenuptial agreements. If the marriage between customer and supplier heads south, it's important for clients to have predetermined how disputes will be resolved. …mehr

  • Endpoint security without the pain

    It isn't often that users are happy when their IT manager installs security software on their notebooks. Usually, more security means more passwords to remember, more restrictions on what software they can run and more hoops to jump through to get their jobs done. …mehr

  • Absorbing the PC

    Information technology has taken to the idea of server blades. So why not PC blades? The convergence of more efficient architectures with virtualization technologies could make PC blades a more attractive proposition for specific end-user roles, such as in call centers. And more is in store with this technology. …mehr

  • On the Mark

    Reducing data center risks ... …mehr

  • Microsoft looks to test WinFX tools on live apps

    Microsoft Corp. last week released what it described as "go live" beta versions of development tools for building Web services and workflow-enabled applications under the company's upcoming WinFX programming model. …mehr

  • Eight steps to leadership

    I was asked recently how to go about introducing a new technology into a company that didn't have a method for adopting new technologies. What made the question especially interesting was that the person who had been given responsibility for introducing the change was new to the company and wasn't in a position of authority. How could he possibly succeed? Here's the advice I gave: …mehr

  • News briefs

    Japan chip makers study joint venture …mehr

  • How to survive a bad boss

    William McQuiston retires this month as CIO at Truman Medical Centers Inc. in Kansas City, Mo., after 41 years in IT. But he still vividly recalls the boss who made his life miserable in the mid-1980s. That difficult period followed his acceptance of a position at a county medical center. …mehr

  • Technology briefs

    Mainsoft releases Visual MainWin 1.7 …mehr

  • News briefs

    HP extends reseller pact with JBoss …mehr

  • hopes revamp will calm outage fears

    Officials at Inc. last week said the company is nearing completion of a US$50 million infrastructure overhaul that they hope will stem fears that arose after a service outage last month. …mehr

  • WMF vulnerability sparks patch program

    The Windows Metafile (WMF) vulnerability, which emerged in the last week of 2005 and was resolved with a patch that Microsoft released off its regular patch schedule at the end of the first week of 2006, wasn't good news at all. But I managed to wring a good outcome out of the situation, since it allowed me to give some structure to our patch management process. …mehr

  • Global dispatches: an international IT news digest

    IT limits put early stop to Tokyo stock trades …mehr

  • Expert calls for increased e-voting security

    Herbert Thompson, director of research at Wilmington, Mass.-based Security Innovation Inc., is a co-author of several books, including How to Break Software Security (Addison Wesley, 2003). He volunteered last May and again last month in Leon County, Fla., to hack an optical scan system made by Diebold Elections Systems Inc., after county officials voiced fears about the system's accuracy and security. Thompson recently discussed the result of the test hacks in an interview with Computerworld. …mehr

  • Microsoft earns patching praise from IT execs

    Microsoft Corp. may take the most heat on security vulnerabilities, but other software vendors need to catch up when it comes to dealing with flaws found in their products, according to users and analysts interviewed last week. …mehr

  • 'This service brought to you by ...'

    "Advertising has emerged as a powerful means by which to fund the creation and delivery of software and services. Services designed to scale to tens or hundreds of millions will dramatically change the nature and cost of solutions deliverable to enterprises or small businesses." -- Bill Gates …mehr

  • Future watch: Computer to user: You sort it out

    Researchers in the U.S. and the U.K. are developing computer systems that make deliberately ambiguous interpretations of human environments. What's more, the systems are often flat-out wrong. But the developers are delighted with their progress so far, saying that with computers, sometimes less is more. …mehr

  • Data analysis tools can deliver competitive advantage

    Companies can wield business intelligence as a weapon to outmaneuver competitors and boost revenue, but only if data analysis techniques are used enterprisewide and the effort is backed by senior management. …mehr

  • MasterCard charges ahead on managing security data

    Rolling out a new breed of tools that capture information from IT security logs can be a daunting task for corporate users, who may need to bulk up their systems and storage devices to handle the torrents of data that can be generated. …mehr

  • At deadline briefs

    Nasdaq glitch causes stock errors …mehr

  • Oracle exec says users get enough flaw info

    As senior director of security assurance at Oracle, Duncan Harris is in charge of its vulnerability remediation processes. He also manages a team of "ethical hackers" at Oracle's Redding, England, software lab who work to find flaws in the vendor's products. Following Oracle's latest quarterly patch release last week, Harris spoke with Computerworld about the company's patching policies and its relationship with the IT security community. …mehr

  • WMF vulnerability sparks patch program

    The Windows Metafile (WMF) vulnerability, which emerged in the last week of 2005 and was resolved with a patch that Microsoft released off its regular patch schedule at the end of the first week of 2006, wasn't good news at all. But I managed to wring a good outcome out of the situation, since it allowed me to give some structure to our patch management process. …mehr

  • No more spin control

    Medco Health Solutions Inc., a Franklin Lakes, N.J.-based Fortune 50 prescription-drug management company, has had great success with a program designed to reduce computer viruses and other IT-related problems that may affect its lines of business. As part of the program, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Kenny Klepper and other top IT and business executives meet three times a week for two hours from 15 videoconferencing sites nationwide to dissect IT problems and devise solutions to decrease system downtime. Klepper recently spoke to Computerworld's Heather Havenstein about the history of the program and its benefits. …mehr

  • Editorial: Unfurling the flag

    I have very little patience for government-bashing. As someone who worked for the National Security Agency during the Reagan administration, I can attest that there are some incredibly sharp, talented, dedicated people working for the federal government. …mehr

  • Oracle's NetBeans commitment in question

    Oracle Corp. appears to be taking a don't-call-me, I'll-call-you approach to the NetBeans open-source tools initiative led by Sun Microsystems Inc. …mehr

  • Offshore firms target IT infrastructure outsourcing

    For most U.S. companies, a 30 percent year-over-year increase in employees without a major acquisition might make the national news. But in India, that kind of growth is becoming routine for IT services firms. …mehr

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