Windows 8 Update: Microsoft sets Oct. 26 release date

has set Oct. 26 as the release date for the commercial version of 8 - a date IT pros should mark on their calendars, not because they want to immediately buy it in bulk, but because they need to find out just how it will fit into their corporate network plans.

With the bulk of Windows shops running on Windows 7 and another sizeable chunk hustling to switch to it from Windows XP, there's no compelling business reason to latch onto Windows 8 any time soon.

But there is ample reason to check it out. With its touch-friendly Metro user interface, the operating system really does present a different way of navigating through . The big question is whether that difference offers a better way of accomplishing work tasks, and that's the question IT decision makers have to answer.


Can workers using desktops get just as much work done on Windows 8 as Windows 7 using a keyboard and mouse? That's the minimum requirement. Will the Metro interface and touch capabilities get more work done on existing desktop hardware? That's the real question, the answer to which needs quantifying.

Will tablets outfitted with the Microsoft Office get more work done? Windows 8's catering to tablets is the big difference between it and Windows 7, so businesses need to look carefully at what benefits it will bring to productivity.