Will Windows 7 change our minds about Microsoft?

As operating system launches go, Windows 7 has been a pretty sweet one for Microsoft. The reviews , and aside from some unintentionally hilarious videos promoting , the company has mostly done things right.

Today, the Microsoft site is featuring praising the new OS (though they're running at least a day behind -- so much for ). They're also a bit too uniformly positive, so you know somebody's cherry picking. Still, it's a clever idea.

[ Fasten your seat belts -- Cringely says the . | Stay up to date on Robert X. Cringely's musings and observations with InfoWorld's . ]

According to the , Microsoft is planning a series of 7-second videos on YouTube and Windows.com extolling the virtues of Win 7, and a series of 7-word updates on NFL games on the major broadcast networks. ( on what Microsoft might do.)

Here's my favorite gimmick: In Japan, Microsoft has convinced Burger King to sell a meat sandwich with 7 all-beef patties stacked on top of each other like poker chips. That tower of bovine power is called the .

But the real Windows 7 Whopper is this claim: "1 billion = 7." That's the new mantra in Microsoft's ads. The Times' :