Use Amazon Cloud Play

31.03.2011 recently introduced Cloud Player, an Internet-based service that allows you to store up to 5GB of music and access that music from a Web browser, Android device, and--if you know the trick--an iOS device. Here are the steps for using Cloud Play.

Travel to the and click Launch Player. In the resulting screen you'll be prompted to sign in with the e-mail address and password associated with your Amazon account. (If you don't have an Amazon account, click the New Customer Start Here link at the top of the page to sign up for an account. A credit card is required.) Enter this information and click the Sign in Using Our Secure Server button.

In the resulting page, you'll see the contents of the music folder on your Cloud Drive (Amazon's name for its online storage space). Here you'll find entries for Songs, Albums, Artists, Genres, Deleted Items, Latest Purchases, Latest Playlists, and Create New Playlist. If you don't have a copy of Amazon's MP3 Uploader, a window will appear prompting you to download it. This is an Adobe AIR application that, when installed and launched, makes it easier to locate tracks in your iTunes library and upload them to the Cloud Drive.