Tips for Reaching Out to Twitter's 50 Million Daily Users

Web designers, advertising agencies, and people with a firm grip on the online world have known for years that Twitter is indispensable. The trick has always been how to communicate that to the business owners who were their clients.

Flash to today. Twitter CEO Dick Costolo revealed at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco that Twitter is valued and boasts , 50 million of whom log in daily. Those users send 250 million tweets a day. In addition, Facebook from Facebook, which will encourage even more use .

The number of daily users and tweets being sent per day represent missed business opportunities if you're not using Twitter well. is simple. For your business, you might want to take the extra step of having a graphic designer create Twitter background for your profile. Also create a decent photo or logo to use as your Twitter avatar, the picture that appears to the left of your tweets and at the top of your page.

Find Followers Who Are Potential Clients

If you're a real estate agent, adding people interested in properties is likely to net you a following of other agents, not people interested in purchasing homes in your area. Go where your customers are. Search for users in your area who have interests similar to those in your usual demographic. If you sell condos, add a few followers a day who look like young urban professionals. If you sell homes, look for local mom bloggers and add them. This method takes a little more time, but it's much more likely to net relevant followers.

Use Twitter Properly as a Business