The Macalope Weekly: Vacation interuptus

It wasn't supposed to happen this way. The Macalope was supposed to have this week off to rest and recuperate from the cavalcade of dumb he has to put up with day in and day out. But here we are."

First we'll examine some tools of the silly punditry trade. Then it's time to face it, friends: The Surface is the pushing the tablet category forward and proves Microsoft is back, baby! Apple must surely respond to this move Microsoft hasn't played yet. Finally ... ... it's the piece that forced the Macalope to take time off from his vacation.

You're not going to believe it but ... .

The Macalope, as you know, has long been an observer of the fine art of technology punditry. Today, he's spotlighting three tools of the trade in this, the dumbest of arts.

Tool number 1: The online poll. Any time you see the word "poll" in a headline, you are guaranteed there will not be one iota of value in the piece.