Smiles interfere with facial recognition technology

If you live in Indiana and want a driver's license, you better wipe that cheesy grin off your face.

That's because the state's Bureau of Motor Vehicles started last month to help reduce fraud.

Since the software relies on a person's permanent physical characteristics, the state has imposed restrictions on anything that might interfere with this -- including scarves, hats, glasses and smiling.

When Indiana residents come in to get a new license or renew an old one, their image is run through a database of existing photos and names. Every day, the system produces a list of names and photos that raise a flag because they don't match.

It's usually about 500 to 600 names, which employees manually look into, Dennis Rosebrough, the bureau's spokesperson told The Industry Standard.

"Most of the issues are resolved very quickly," he said. "It's a much smaller number of names that are then passed on to our investigators."