Reverse-engineered viruses and 999 malware roses

Reverse-engineered viruses and 999 roses of malware

Not only is computer malware getting bigger, badder and more frequent, but it's also getting weirder.

Don't believe us? How about the Gattman Computer Virus, discovered in July by researchers at the Sydney branch of SophosLabs.

Unlike the majority of malicious software, which are Windows programs targeting the Windows operating system, this virus deliberately targets an analysis tool which is widely used by security researchers, said Sophos in a statement.

The Gattman virus spreads through the program Interactive Disassembler Pro (IDA), produced by DataRescue. IDA is one of the most popular "reversing" tools, and is used for converting the raw machine code inside program files back into human-readable source code form so that its behavior can be analyzed and understood.

Since Sophos is wise enough to figure that not everyone knows what the heck this means, they give the following example: