Google: We Find 9,500 New Malicious Sites Every Day

It's no secret that the Web is full of malicious content, but Google on Tuesday published some statistics that reveal just how breathtaking the scale of that danger really is.

In fact, Google uncovers some 9,500 new malicious websites every day through its initiative, according to a from Google Security Team blogger Niels Provos.

"These are either innocent websites that have been compromised by malware authors, or others that are built specifically for malware distribution or phishing," Provos explained. "While we flag many sites daily, we strive for high quality and have had only a handful of false positives."

Not only that, but between 12 and 14 million Google Search queries every day return results that include at least one hacked site, Google says. A full 300,000 downloads per day, meanwhile, get flagged with a warning through Google's download protection service for Chrome.

"The threat landscape changes rapidly," Provos wrote. "Our adversaries are highly motivated by making money from unsuspecting victims, and at great cost to everyone involved."

'Sophisticated' Phishing