Gmail Receives Some Love, Becomes Less Annoying

Google has boosted Gmail with several small features that . Google says the tweaks have come directly from its , whereby users can comment on what irks them.

Some tweaks are so obvious it's amazing the original way of working . For example, quickly based on a message you're reading wouldn't return you to the original message once the filter was made. It does now.

Other tweaks should have been around since day one. Gmail has always added anybody you reply to you to your . This is useful but it can also lead to address books that are massive--I've been using Gmail since 2004 and have amassed 1400 reply addresses. I e-mail around 10 of them regularly and have no idea who the rest are.

An overstuffed address book can be a particular issue , for example, when you can end-up with a massive phone contacts list.

Well, now you can switch off automatic addition of contacts. To do so, click Settings and look at the entries under the heading that reads Create Contacts for Auto-Complete.

Additionally, there's now an undo history attached to the contacts component that means you can restore the list to a previous state, within a 30-day window. Again, this can be useful when syncing with devices like phones, which have a habit of pruning or updating entries without permission.