EXCLUSIVE - JAPAN 2012, Pt 1: Security landscape 'bigger and noisier' than ever before, claims Symantec

Japan has always been at the heart of the IT industry. Rocked by the terrible Tohuku earthquakes on March 2011, the country is fighting back. In this special series of exclusive on-the-spot reports we look at various of the Japanese IT industry and how it will effect or sees the world.

2011 may have been big when it came to activity in the security space, but 2012 is already looking bigger, according to Japan security response global operations manager, John McDonald.

As a security researcher with Symantec Japan since 2003, McDonald would be in a position to know.

"Every year has been bigger and noisier in security than the last," he said.

"There are a lot more threats now and people are continually finding new ways to exploit security loopholes."

When asked how the security landscape is now compared to what it was a decade ago, McDonald says that there are a lot more things that we need to do to combat those threats.