Aurora wants to light the way with BPL

Ultra fast Internet is set to race through power lines across the Australian state of Tasmania, with Aurora Energy also seeking to push its Broadband over Powerline (BPL) business model to utilities across the country.

TasTel, a subsidiary of Aurora Energy, has been commercially testing BPL since September last year. The service is so far delivering up to 200Mbps speeds to 1200 homes in Hobart and Burnie.

Aurora business development manager, Bob Darwin, said that Aurora is set to announce wholesale plans under the brand name of eAurora and dive into a full scale state-wide commercial rollout within the next two months.

He also intended to spread the word to the mainland.

"We are not saying that we will fly a plane over the country and spray fairy dust so that all of a sudden the whole country is BPL enabled, but we believe our model is a good way to deliver an alternative last-mile service and it is an important part of the telecommunications mix," he said.

"We want as many people as possible to get into this market as we think it is a great solution and we want to get cost of supply down, but we can't do that on our own."