Apple Plagued By Security Issues; MS Fixes 34 Vulnerabilities

This month Microsoft patched thirty-four vulnerabilities, several of which are highly dangerous and have an exploitability vulnerability of 1. Apple released updates for Mac OS X patching a number of vulnerabilities which could allow an attacker to gain personal or secure information. Finally, Adobe released an unusual number of patches this month which fix a number of vulnerabilities across a multitude of Adobe products including ColdFusion and LiveCycle.

In this month's Tuesday Patch addressing vulnerabilities in everything from Windows and the .NET Framework to Internet Explorer. Nine of the Patch Tuesday updates are rated critical and the rest are rated important.

While Microsoft recommends that you install all updates, they suggest that if you must prioritize or manually download them that you download four critical updates first which Microsoft named as priority one issues.

Update , rated critical, affects Internet Explorer and is one of the priority one issues. It also has an exloitability vulnerability rating of 1--in other words, it's the most in danger of being exploited. This update alone resolves eleven vulnerabilities, the most severe of which could allow an attacker to execute remote code execution if you viewed an exploted webpage on Internet Explorer.

Another critical update with an exploitability vulnerability rating of 1 is which resolves two vulnerabilities in (DFS)--a Microsoft service that allows files to be stored on a network. These vulnerabilities could allow remote code execution if an attacker successfully exploited them.