Anonymous hacker claims responsibility for outage

A hacker affiliated with Anonymous has claimed responsibility for knocking domain provider GoDaddy offline today. The attack appears to have also affected all sites hosted by GoDaddy.

user @AnonymousOwn3r, which is operated by the self-proclaimed " leader of anonymous," for the outage. GoDaddy has and claims to be "working on it." Two Twitter users who responded to GoDaddy's status alert claim their GoDaddy-hosted websites are currently offline, suggesting the attack may impact a significant number of websites. Indeed, shortly after announcing the attack, @AnonymousOwn3r posted a tweet asking if its followers wanted to see the hacker "put 99% of the global internet" offline.


The hacker has repeatedly insisted that the attack was not launched or endorsed by the Anonymous collective, but was instead a rogue mission undertaken alone. The official Anonymous Twitter account, which had been dormant since April, and questioned whether the Twitter user behind it was taking credit for an outage that occurred organically. At one point, the Twitter account for Anonymous declares outright, "."

In , the hacker claims the attack was launched to "test how [its] cybersecurity is safe," and "for more reasons that I cannot talk [about] now."

One tweet sent to and retweeted by @AnonymousOwn3r mentions recent GoDaddy advertisements that boast load balancers for its hosting servers, suggesting the hacker may be attempting to put the company's advertising to the test.