A phased approach to IPv6 that's so easy, you'll almost think you're still ignoring it

This vendor-written tech primer has been edited by Network World to eliminate product promotion, but readers should note it will likely favor the submitter's approach.

Remember when you were a kid and you got so tired of your parents nagging you to clean your room, you finally just stopped listening?

It's kind of that way with .

IT departments are weary of hearing how they urgently need to move to IPv6 because IPv4 addresses aren't available anymore. The truth is, many U.S. companies still have enough IPv4 addresses to last them several years, so no problem, right?

Wrong. Here's the catch: Three-quarters of the world is already embracing IPv6 because IPv4 is not an option for them. That means if your company doesn't support IPv6, inevitably your public-facing, IPv4-based Web properties and content will be unreachable by a significant portion of your customers, suppliers, partners, vendors and contractors.